Illinois Wildlife Connections
13998 North 1425th Street, Newton, IL 62448
Cabins & Lodges
Illinois Wildlife Connections is located in the heart of South-Central Illinois and we currently manage over 5,000 acres for all of your hunting pleasures.
Archery only Whitetail Deer hunts, limited Muzzleloader and Shotgun Deer hunts, and Eastern Wild Turkey hunts in Illinois. We strive to provide you the best opportunity at a Trophy Illinois Whitetail Deer or a Trophy Eastern Turkey with clean comfortable accommodations and excellent meals at an affordable price.
All deer and turkey hunts include clean and comfortable accommodations in our new 3400 sq/ft. lodge. The lodge has 7 bedrooms, 5 showers, pool table, satellite T.V.,mud room, washer and dryer, patio, and more. Guide, stands, transportation, and meals are also included. All meals will be continental style breakfast, soup and sandwich type lunch, and an out of this world gourmet country style dinner.
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